Which Are The Most Popular Dog Breeds In India?
Nowadays people prefer dogs and pets over people, the most commonly seen reasons for having a dog are: They Decrease Loneliness They Reduce the Stress They Make you Happy They Make You Feel Safe Pets and Pet grooming services have gained a lot of attention in recent years and people keep on searching for pet shops near me, pet grooming services near me etc. So if you too are looking for pet grooming services download Antters , India’s leading local service marketplace which contains a list of pet services near you. But are you confused about which breed of dog you must have? So here is a list of most commonly seen dog breeds in India: Labrador: Labradors are the lovable dogs mostly seen in Indian homes. These dogs are so popular for some great reasons. They are bouncy, loyal, and enthusiastic. They are generally good with kids and other pets. They are super-friendly, easy to train, playful and intelligent. Pug: And the vodafone dog with all its cuteness is...